Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Twice The Cheer

Merry Christmas, from us, to you

The Transversion team made a post about a week back, and apparently that post just brought up even more questions, and the questions were good enough to get me to step out of the Peru queue for a minute to answer them.

The first thing on the agenda is what a modular spritebase means. It's really just a fancy way of saying naked, faceless sprites that can have clothing and expressions drawn over them. It lets our artists easily adapt new clothing and a plethora of facial expressions for one pose. Apparently it makes this whole art business easier.

Do I really need a reason to post Jennifer's breasts these days?

The second thing I'll be tackling is the question of our writing. Mostly numbers, routes, that kind of thing. As of this very second the total word count of the common route is 51408 words, barring the ones in Romanian and Russian. That's with Nikhila's day 4 scene about half finished and no work done on the NoGirl route as of yet, so it may top out at around 80 thousand. But the demo, which we're still hoping to release sometime this galactic rotation, will probably be longer than that. So that's somewhere in the ballpark of 80 thousand spread out over 5 routes.  You heard read me, 5. Nikhila, Jennifer, Lynn, Laura, and the NoGirl. You're probably already familiar with our heroines, but we have been planning to do a manly men doing manly things route from the beginning, and hopefully with our artists' talents for drawing depressed, unshaven men, it will deliver everything you could ever hope for in such a route.

As for the topic of abandoned CG's. Well, there's not much to talk about here, so have a picture.
I'm so sorry, Skye
As you can see, our artist drew himself in the picture. He's the one staring at the table wondering where it all went wrong after receiving the news that the entire bar scene he was working on had been cut entirely.

Music? Yeah, we've got that too, thankfully none of it's been cut either. First up is a piece from our good friend Sam Handwiches called "Chains." And the second is a wonderful piano piece from our resident musician Chandra, I don't think it has an official title yet, but here goes.

That's all this time around. As always if you have any other questions, or if you just want to berate us, drop by our IRC, we're #scriptforge on the Rizon network. Or just bother us in the comment section.

Now's the part of the post where I list off random numbers and facts and you have this picture of the sluttiest Transversion: Nikhila.

Times the opening scene has been rewritten: 4
Times Error has beaten PFM at dota: 1
Times we've seen a Magnus RP creeps: 6
USB sticks washed: 1
Fistfights in the common route: 1
Days Walter gets drunk in the common route: 3
Times Nikhila smiles: 12
Times Jennifer shows off her tits: 6
Times Laura assaults Walter: 2
Times Lynn makes Walter food: 2
Packs of cigarettes smoked by Walter: 8
CGs trashcanned: At least 3.
Cars drifted: 1
Titles this blogpost went through: 6

Walking in a Winter Waifuland

Merry Christmas from the Beacon dev team! Here's to new waifus in the coming year!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Worth a Thousand Words

Around the world, around the world.

The streets of Newport are home to people of all sorts, from the wealthiest fleet owner looking down from his penthouse in the centre of the Old District, to the poorest pick-pocket rotting in the dirtiest gutter in the slums of the New District. Somewhere in between sits Lucy, playing her music deep into the night by a lantern light.

Lucy is a vagrant of sorts, wandering from place to place adding another picture to her scrapbook. Most of her recent pictures are of the lovely streets of Newport, where she's been stranded without a method of leaving. Still, she makes the best of it and is ever looking for an opportunity to make her day a little more interesting.


And to top off the reveal with a news update, we've recently taken on two new artists. Skye, already a Scriptforge member who's been working on Transversion, and Kiwi, who you may recognize from her work on Allure in Bellum. You'll see their art posted here in coming posts. If you were waiting eagerly by your computer for me to drop by IRC or Skype with your 12 page resume and cover letter for your Beacon application, fear not! We're very much still accepting new members. Hit up the IRC at #scriptforge or my Skype at Reyrketill_.

And another song for all the good folks listenin' out there on this cold Winter's day. It's a rough draft created by fingers covered in Cheeto dust on an iPad screen, but it should set the tone right nicely.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tunnel Snakes Rule

Its been awhile since we had a legitimate blogpost and it would be far too shamfur if bacon managed two blogposts in a row before we said anything.

So the eternal questions is "trannybros ww@?" "Are those fags REALLY just playing dota and shitposting in /snarky/?" Good questions, so let me say what we're actually doing without any bullshit.

Lynn in an eggplant costume, just in time for Christmas.
1. Sprites - We're still in the process of reworking our entire spritebase because we realized long ago we needed modular sprites in order to get shit down, and the previous sprites were not suited for this. Ultimately it kind of shoots the demo progress in the foot but ensures that once the demo is done 90% of the sprite assets we need are done, and then its just a matter of writing. Most of sprites are now finished, and not all required reworking.

2. Writing - Largely finished believe it or not. At least for the first four days, problem is we're looking to expand that for the demo because looking back the first four days is just a dating sim without any real indication of where the plot is actually headed. Its like is KS ended on day 3, you know which girl you're basically going for but not really what's up with that person (except maybe Emi, since her day 4 was sort of pointless.) As such, writing is being expanded, and we'll see where that's at over the month since everyone has been busy until break.
David concept art.

3. Backgrounds - Our weakest point to be perfectly frank. We got no real amount of BGs and they're a bitch to get done along with CGs, along with our very unhealthy habit of getting rid of CGs. At this point we're probably going to settle with generic pictures with photoshop effects for 99% of them.
After forcing Eyedrop to listen to recorded biochem lectures, he drew this.

4. Music - We've literally gone through 3 musicians in Scriptforge's long lifetime, and its lead to a weird situation in regards to music. We still have the awesome talents of Chandra but he's a busy man already helping create beautiful music with Reyr for Bison. Luckily we talked to the previous musician and he's alright with us using his old tracks, but we're still at a bit of a lag when it comes to music.

Jennifer as Douk and Laura as Lu-Bu.
5. Website - We were planning to create a legitimate website but the longer things go on the more we see there's not a huge point for one until the demo is made so that's on hold.

And that should answer most questions, if absolutely anyone had them. In the mean time, keep watching the skies.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"I don't make art, but I make writing" -pfm "but I do" - error

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Port to Port

Our work-in-progress logo.
In the remnants of a flooded city, the survivors began to rebuild. On the ground they weathered the storm, they built with whatever they had and, in time, constructed their own oasis of civilization amid the unending ocean; those who tried to venture out in search of others in make-shift rafts were crushed by the brutal storms that plagued the sea. As time went on, the only remnants of the old city were the original buildings the survivors took shelter in. Eventually, old boats were discovered and with the engineering of a civilization long gone, people journeyed across the sea and discovered other towns, who'd developed their own cultures and ways.

Years went by, and the towns began to become a network of ports, each with their own leaders, customs and laws. Those who possessed boats were in high demand, as trade and communication is near impossible with the harsh conditions of the ocean that divides the ports. Richer ports began assembling fleets of their own, but never enough that a freelance sailor was short of work.

After months of planning, we're proud to announce Beacon. The story will set you in the place of James, an ex-soldier who's found his way into possession of his own ship. You'll explore the ports, encountering people from each culture and making decisions to shape James' fate. The team includes Tile on art and Chandra on music; myself and a new member, Req, will be writing. Caps is also helping us with additional art, such as the draft of our stylish logo.

James posing for the big announcement.

And some quick general questions.

How many hot anime babes can I put my sailor dick into?
We're planning four route options right now, with Req and I doing two each.

When can I play it?
We'll release a demo when we're content enough with act one, but we won't go throwing around any release dates just yet.

Is it a short VN?
We're probably shooting for about 5 hour routes.

You got any of those moving pictures?
We're planning to have animated sprites and probably cut-scenes as well.

Can I join the S.S. Beacon?
We're currently looking for artists mostly, but if you send us a buzz at our IRC (#scriptforge) or my Skype (Reyrketill_) we'll probably have a place for you. We're not looking for anything specific so feel free to send us what you got.

Are you the Transversion guys?
Like Enclave, we're a separate team under the Srumferg banner. Scriptforge's site is being constructed in the daily 10 minutes of the day the Transversion team isn't playing DOTA, and you'll find more details there.

As a last bonus, here's the first draft of the title song by our resident music-man, Chandra.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

There & Almost Back Again

     Well its been far too long since the last blogpost and its high time to expand on why that is so. This blogpost will be rather short and without too much content, but I do hope to make two fairly ominous announcements in this one besides the usual "demo is still in dev," because news there hasn't really changed much. The latest thing I can really mention is that we're redoing Jennifer's sprites and finishing up Laura's so that they can actually be used in the final version (modular sprites are the FUTURE, old bases shown below) and that setting up the skeleton code for the demo is boring, and there's not many windows of opportunity to do it when I'm playing way too much fucking DotA2 and uni work.

     Personal blogshit aside, I do have two important announcements, the first simply being that we are nearing completion of the demo and that you can trust us even more on this point because we're putting together a whole website for it, kind of like how all those other oelvns have had websites ready for like the past 60 months. When that is up and good to go we'll link it here, and in case you're wondering the blog will not be abandoned, the site will just be a polished place to list info about and dl links for Script Forge projects.

Old Enclave design ideas by Eyedrop

     The second announcement is unfortunately a bit grim, as the Enclave project has been indefinitely postponed, and is effectively dead. More information on that, along with some followup information will be posted at least within a month.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Here's looking at you, kid.

Hey fellas, we got a character reveal in store for you today!


"In the finely tuned gears of PSUC, the citizens are cogs that spin and turn to make PSUC a hyper-efficient super-state. However, the more moving parts there are in a machine, the more likely it is for something to break. In this case, does the contraption stop and sputter or is the missing piece simply forgotten?

Madeleine is one such piece; a relic of uncertainty in an apathetic society. The enclave's best kept secret, she's usually found hidden away in the store-room working on her projects. While she's troubled, she's looked after by her social worker Hannah who makes sure she remembers to eat that day."

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pre-Update Update

Dare you enter Scriptforge's Magical Realm?
      June is coming to a close and I wanted to give a proper update on our stuff, since the previous update from me was "I finally got Petra to do his team's update."

     Problem is there still isn't much to report, yet. There were some setbacks in the progress, but progress has been getting made at a constant rate and I'm happy to say we have a few good chunks of script past the stages we need for the demo. Things need to synch up a bit, and then get the other assets up right. I also probably should not write blog posts without much sleep. In about 1-2 weeks there should be some noice concrete info coming out.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Enclave Status Update

Petra had to sleep so I'll be delivering his message from the Autoclave team. Picture courtesy of Skyentific.

Isabella after receiving her annual award, unfortunately she lost her left nipple in The War.

"Hey guys,

We apologize about the ongoing lack of updates! College has been kicking our collective asses and taking up a lot of our time on all fronts, but now that summer is right around the corner, all of us should be back to writing, drawing, and making beats at a normal pace. Our magical musician, Chandra, has just finished college and is now completely free to make us beats now that he is reunited with his instruments.

As for the writers, which consist of me, Reyrketill, and Telcath, we have been making minor progress that has been picking up again in the past weeks. We're actually making headway on day 3 (out of 4) of the prologue and once we're done with that, we'll have more individual freedom on our routes. That means we can work faster as a whole, since we already got everything planned out prior for that; all of our routes have outlines and arcs written down.

And last but not least, we have a new artist! Tile joined our team a few months back, but has been working hard at drawing for the project! She is also quite proficient with animation, which means that our sprites will be fully animated as opposed to being still images.

While there isn't too much information about the actual VN in this post, expect a character reveal by the end of the month."

Friday, June 14, 2013

How'd That Happen

Eyedrop's rendition of Scriptforge's mascot

   So you may have noticed we haven't had a blogpost in about three months.

   Rest assured, this can all be blamed on Petra. Sample conversation below:

"Handsomename777: Petra, please make the next blogpost
Putrida: Yes, I'll get it done by next week!"

   Multiply that by how many weeks were in the last couple of months and it kind of snowballed from there. I also had finals/tests and there wasn't much to talk about at that moment.

Something Skyentific drew that I forgot to put up in April.

   But here's the exciting news: There is more stuff to talk about! PFM came back from wrestling bears and eagles so we're back to writing, and from a substantially better position this time with the stuff we have cumulatively now. Don't take my word for it because I'm a lying bastard but THE SCRIPT IS NEARING COMPLETION for the demo.

   I don't have any neat pictures of our actual progress to show so here's some scraps I've pieced together. If things work out, Petra will have more relevant scraps to show soon****.

Something Skrats drew a HELLUVA long time ago.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Working Hard & Hardly Working

     Hey-o loyal Scrumpfig fans. Its February, and something magical has happened - our IRC headline turned a year old! We celebrated long into the night before realizing we're supposed to be working on a VN, then we sang the Norwegian national anthem over Skype to escape our woes.

     Unfortunately, there's not much news - there won't be probably until sometime mid-March when everyone has had some period to push some new work out, which will bring us ever further on our slow crawl towards release. Other than that, Edward played some DotA2, Skrats finished F/SN (turns out he enjoyed the Fate route, what a wacko), PFM fell down another hole in Oregon, Eyedrop has avoided his stripper-stalker, Skyentific chose an even worse bird steam picture, the Enclave STILL hasn't made a blog post in for-fucking-ever even though they aren't doing anything besides arguing over which color dress the autist waifu character wears (hint hint), and I wrote a blog post. Seeya in hopefully less than a month with something more substantial!

Monday, January 7, 2013

First Post of the New Year


     It is 2013 at long last, and a quick look at the OELVN spreadsheet gives a chorus of blog updates, so I thought I should get on that. Unfortunately, I have no New Year's resolutions to give - I am far too lazy to make any, but I am not too lazy to dig out pictures that I think I haven't posted already on the blog while I tell it like it is.

     And it goes like this: PFM has finally braved the trials of Oregon and has claimed his own AOL connection to download animu at 3kb/s, which is more than enough of a connection to write a shitty porn novel with. Even better - he worked on much of the script over the long summer months to develop WHAT I PROMISE TO BE the penultimate demo version for the first 2 days. That means that the working script, for sure, will be completed in the next 2 weeks depending on how quickly the proofreading comes along.

Not sure why Eyedrop made this.

     However, our demo is meant to be 4 days long, which means there's an entire second "half" floating around there, and I say "half" because Days 1-2 are only about 17k words long, and Day 3 alone is 16k words with all the branching choices. "This is going to take forever," and that's mostly true, BUT we're going on stronk, because Day 3 is practically finished as well thanks to PFM's long vigil in the forest. That really just leaves Day 4.

Nobody knows my troubles
     So how is Day 4 looking then? Its definitely the final frontier - out of the 5 "ending" routes, 1 is awaiting a final editing pass, 1 is finished in its initial phase and is undergoing review, another finished review and is being revised, and he last 2 have yet to be written. But Script Forge runs on a power unrivaled by any other: Autism Dedication. Stay tuned for more Transversion action in the coming weeks months!