Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Working Hard & Hardly Working

     Hey-o loyal Scrumpfig fans. Its February, and something magical has happened - our IRC headline turned a year old! We celebrated long into the night before realizing we're supposed to be working on a VN, then we sang the Norwegian national anthem over Skype to escape our woes.

     Unfortunately, there's not much news - there won't be probably until sometime mid-March when everyone has had some period to push some new work out, which will bring us ever further on our slow crawl towards release. Other than that, Edward played some DotA2, Skrats finished F/SN (turns out he enjoyed the Fate route, what a wacko), PFM fell down another hole in Oregon, Eyedrop has avoided his stripper-stalker, Skyentific chose an even worse bird steam picture, the Enclave STILL hasn't made a blog post in for-fucking-ever even though they aren't doing anything besides arguing over which color dress the autist waifu character wears (hint hint), and I wrote a blog post. Seeya in hopefully less than a month with something more substantial!

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