Monday, January 7, 2013

First Post of the New Year


     It is 2013 at long last, and a quick look at the OELVN spreadsheet gives a chorus of blog updates, so I thought I should get on that. Unfortunately, I have no New Year's resolutions to give - I am far too lazy to make any, but I am not too lazy to dig out pictures that I think I haven't posted already on the blog while I tell it like it is.

     And it goes like this: PFM has finally braved the trials of Oregon and has claimed his own AOL connection to download animu at 3kb/s, which is more than enough of a connection to write a shitty porn novel with. Even better - he worked on much of the script over the long summer months to develop WHAT I PROMISE TO BE the penultimate demo version for the first 2 days. That means that the working script, for sure, will be completed in the next 2 weeks depending on how quickly the proofreading comes along.

Not sure why Eyedrop made this.

     However, our demo is meant to be 4 days long, which means there's an entire second "half" floating around there, and I say "half" because Days 1-2 are only about 17k words long, and Day 3 alone is 16k words with all the branching choices. "This is going to take forever," and that's mostly true, BUT we're going on stronk, because Day 3 is practically finished as well thanks to PFM's long vigil in the forest. That really just leaves Day 4.

Nobody knows my troubles
     So how is Day 4 looking then? Its definitely the final frontier - out of the 5 "ending" routes, 1 is awaiting a final editing pass, 1 is finished in its initial phase and is undergoing review, another finished review and is being revised, and he last 2 have yet to be written. But Script Forge runs on a power unrivaled by any other: Autism Dedication. Stay tuned for more Transversion action in the coming weeks months!