Saturday, March 3, 2012

Character Bio: Walter

I promised that there would be some bios posted, and I did force PFM to write a bio, so let's start out describing the most important guy, Walter.

"Who's Walter? Walter is the protagonist of "Transversion" he's a narcissistic, bitter guy working at a dead-end office job in the Central Valley of California, surrounded by people who he only has varying degrees of dislike for. Walter's a bit of a social grifter, a mannerism he picked up at a young age when he realized he wasn't very good at reading social situations. To remedy his awkwardness, he adopts various personae based on how he believes others perceive him. He can be the fun-loving straight man who always comes in second one moment, and the next a coward who quakes in his cheap ostrich leather shoes at his ultimately harmless supervisor, but he can never be himself."

And of course, if you ever need more specific information about Walter to properly stalk his look-alike:

Name: Walter Davis
Age: 23
Height: 6’ 0”/182cm
Weight: 155lbs/70kg
HC: Black
EC: Green

Look forward to the next character reveal in about a week!

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