Petra had to sleep so I'll be delivering his message from the Autoclave team. Picture courtesy of Skyentific.
Isabella after receiving her annual award, unfortunately she lost her left nipple in The War. |
"Hey guys,
We apologize about the ongoing lack of updates! College has been kicking our collective asses and taking up a lot of our time on all fronts, but now that summer is right around the corner, all of us should be back to writing, drawing, and making beats at a normal pace. Our magical musician, Chandra, has just finished college and is now completely free to make us beats now that he is reunited with his instruments.
As for the writers, which consist of me, Reyrketill, and Telcath, we have been making minor progress that has been picking up again in the past weeks. We're actually making headway on day 3 (out of 4) of the prologue and once we're done with that, we'll have more individual freedom on our routes. That means we can work faster as a whole, since we already got everything planned out prior for that; all of our routes have outlines and arcs written down.
And last but not least, we have a new artist!
Tile joined our team a few months back, but has been working hard at drawing for the project! She is also quite proficient with animation, which means that our sprites will be fully animated as opposed to being still images.
While there isn't too much information about the actual VN in this post, expect a character reveal by the end of the month."