Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pre-Update Update

Dare you enter Scriptforge's Magical Realm?
      June is coming to a close and I wanted to give a proper update on our stuff, since the previous update from me was "I finally got Petra to do his team's update."

     Problem is there still isn't much to report, yet. There were some setbacks in the progress, but progress has been getting made at a constant rate and I'm happy to say we have a few good chunks of script past the stages we need for the demo. Things need to synch up a bit, and then get the other assets up right. I also probably should not write blog posts without much sleep. In about 1-2 weeks there should be some noice concrete info coming out.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Enclave Status Update

Petra had to sleep so I'll be delivering his message from the Autoclave team. Picture courtesy of Skyentific.

Isabella after receiving her annual award, unfortunately she lost her left nipple in The War.

"Hey guys,

We apologize about the ongoing lack of updates! College has been kicking our collective asses and taking up a lot of our time on all fronts, but now that summer is right around the corner, all of us should be back to writing, drawing, and making beats at a normal pace. Our magical musician, Chandra, has just finished college and is now completely free to make us beats now that he is reunited with his instruments.

As for the writers, which consist of me, Reyrketill, and Telcath, we have been making minor progress that has been picking up again in the past weeks. We're actually making headway on day 3 (out of 4) of the prologue and once we're done with that, we'll have more individual freedom on our routes. That means we can work faster as a whole, since we already got everything planned out prior for that; all of our routes have outlines and arcs written down.

And last but not least, we have a new artist! Tile joined our team a few months back, but has been working hard at drawing for the project! She is also quite proficient with animation, which means that our sprites will be fully animated as opposed to being still images.

While there isn't too much information about the actual VN in this post, expect a character reveal by the end of the month."

Friday, June 14, 2013

How'd That Happen

Eyedrop's rendition of Scriptforge's mascot

   So you may have noticed we haven't had a blogpost in about three months.

   Rest assured, this can all be blamed on Petra. Sample conversation below:

"Handsomename777: Petra, please make the next blogpost
Putrida: Yes, I'll get it done by next week!"

   Multiply that by how many weeks were in the last couple of months and it kind of snowballed from there. I also had finals/tests and there wasn't much to talk about at that moment.

Something Skyentific drew that I forgot to put up in April.

   But here's the exciting news: There is more stuff to talk about! PFM came back from wrestling bears and eagles so we're back to writing, and from a substantially better position this time with the stuff we have cumulatively now. Don't take my word for it because I'm a lying bastard but THE SCRIPT IS NEARING COMPLETION for the demo.

   I don't have any neat pictures of our actual progress to show so here's some scraps I've pieced together. If things work out, Petra will have more relevant scraps to show soon****.

Something Skrats drew a HELLUVA long time ago.